Treatment for shoulder arthritis

5 Easy Exercises for Shoulder Arthritis

February 2, 2020 Tags: , , , , , , ,

Shoulder arthritis occurs in approximately 15% of people over the age of 65.  It is more common in women.  As with other forms of arthritis, it begins with a slow loss of cartilage within your joint.  This leads to changes in your bone and joint lining.  Joint inflammation, stiffness, muscle weakness, pain, and deformities within your joint occur.

Despite popular belief, arthritis is not always a downward cycle of pain culminating in a joint replacement surgery.  Many people we work with achieve excellent results by doing the right exercises for shoulder arthritis.


Non-Surgical Treatment of Shoulder Arthritis

Lifestyle changes, activity modification, and strategies to protect your shoulder joint are important parts of treatment.  It is important to minimize or avoid weight-bearing activities through your shoulder.  Examples include push-ups and heavy overhead work. In cases of acute pain, medications or injections are helpful.  However, they should be used sparingly due to their long-term adverse effects.

Exercise is beneficial because it improves the health of your existing cartilage, decreases joint stiffness, improves muscle strength, decreases pain, and improves function.  To start, gentle passive exercises are best.  These are best done lying down with the assistance of a cane or wand.  Manual therapy techniques performed by your physical therapist enhance the benefits of exercise for shoulder arthritis.

As your pain and range of motion improve, stretching exercises are progressed and strengthening exercises are added.  The following 5 videos show examples of exercises we have used with excellent results for many people with shoulder arthritis.

Wand-Assisted Shoulder Flexion

Begin on your back holding a cane or wand in each hand.  Space your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width.  Hold the cane or wand between your thumb and index finger with a thumb-up position.  The thumb-up position maximizes movement at your shoulder joint.  With both elbows straight, lift your arms overhead until a mild to moderate stretch is felt.  Hold this position for 5 to 10 seconds.  Then slowly lower back to the start position.  Perform 10 to 20 repetitions each day.

Wand-Assisted Shoulder External Rotation

Begin lying on your back with a small pillow or towel roll under your upper arm.  Hold a cane, golf club, or similar object in both hands.  Use the non-involved arm to passively rotate your involved arm out to the side.  Maintain your elbow at a 90-degree angle throughout the exercise.  Pause and hold the position for 5 to 10 seconds.  Perform 10 to 20 repetitions each day.  Avoid exercising through pain.

Waiter’s Bow

Begin standing with your hand resting on a table top or counter.  Relax your shoulder and neck muscles.  Slowly step backwards while keeping your hand on the table or counter.  Pause and hold the position for 5 to 10 seconds.  Perform 10 repetitions each day.  Don’t hold your breath, bounce, or exercise through pain.

Wall Chest Stretch

This purpose of this stretch is to restore normal posture and position of your shoulder.  Most people with arthritis develop rounded shoulders.  This increases stress within your shoulder joint.

To begin, stand next to the corner of a wall or door jam.  Place your hand, forearm, and elbow on the wall.  Next, take a small step forward and slightly turn your body away from the wall.  You should feel a mild to moderate stretch in the front of your shoulder or chest. Hold the stretch for 15 to 30 seconds and perform 3 to 5 repetitions daily.  If you experience pain, slightly lower your arm or decrease the intensity of the stretch.

2-Arm Band Row

The row is a great exercise to begin strengthening the muscles around your shoulder.  This exercise emphasizes the muscles that hold your shoulder blades back.

To perform this exercise, anchor a resistance band to a piece of furniture or door knob.  Grasp the ends of the band in each hand.  Next, step back so there is tension on the band.  Pull your hands and elbows back.  The most important part of the movement involves squeezing or pinching the shoulder blades together.  Perform 10 to 20 repetitions for multiple sets 3 times per week.

How to Get Started with Exercises for Shoulder Arthritis

Exercise can’t reverse or cure arthritis.  Nothing can, not even surgery.  But your pain and suffering from shoulder arthritis can be managed with the right exercise program.  Although shoulder surgery can be extremely successful, it is not an option for everyone.

If you are looking for a different approach, your physical therapist can help you.  Begin with the strategies discussed in this article.  And if are interested in teaming up with one of our doctors of physical therapy, call us today.

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