Exercises for rounded shoulders

How to Fix Rounded Shoulders

January 9, 2023 Tags: , , , ,

Rounded shoulders are the norm in today’s society.  We sit for long periods of the day often staring at computer screens, TVs, and mobile devices. As a result of leaning over in slouched postures, many people develop shoulder, neck, and upper back pain.  Thankfully, there is something you can do about rounded shoulders and pain.

A Proven Approach to Fixing Rounded Shoulders

A 2019 study of 60 women with neck pain and rounded shoulders looked at how exercise affects pain, posture, and function.  Women were split into 3 different groups.  The first group did specific stabilizing exercises under the supervision of a physical therapist. They also received manual therapy 3 times a week for 6 weeks.  The second group only performed the stabilizing exercises.  The third group received no treatment.

After 6 weeks, the 2 groups performing exercises made significant improvements in pain, function, neck posture, and shoulder posture.  Improvements were greatest in the group that received both exercise instruction and manual therapy.  Pain improved by more than 50% in these women.  The control group made no improvements.

5 Exercises to Fix Rounded Shoulders

Five different exercises are included in the protocol for this study.  Three are stabilizing exercises for the muscles around your shoulder blade.  The other 2 exercises are stretches for your neck and chest muscles.  All can be done at home without any special equipment.

Stabilizing Exercises for Rounded Shoulders

Fix rounded shoulders
Strengthen your upper back to fix rounded shoulders

The best way to correct your posture is to regularly do stabilizing exercises for the muscles around your upper back and shoulder blade.  These are your lower trapezius, middle trapezius, and serratus anterior. Do these exercises at least 3 days per week to see any meaningful improvement in your posture. We recommend 3 sets of 10 to 15 repetitions.  If you have trouble lying down, you can do them standing facing a wall.

Stretching Exercises for Rounded Shoulders

Tightness in your chest muscles pulls your shoulders forward.  Stretching your pecs by lying over a foam roll or rolled-up towel between your shoulder blades.  Chin tuck exercises are great to do throughout your day if you work from a desk or computer.  Do these stretches daily for the best results.

Manual Therapy Accelerates Results

Manual therapy is a specialized form of physical therapy delivered by the hands of your therapist. It complements but cannot replace your regular exercise program. Expect quicker results if you combine the exercises with 2 or 3 days per week of manual therapy.  To correct rounded shoulders, we recommend techniques targeting your neck and upper back.

See Your Physical Therapist for a Personalized Plan

Your physical therapist will perform a detailed examination of your posture, flexibility, and strength.  A personalized exercise program is then developed.

Remember, it is important that you perform your exercises daily.  Also, as you go progress your exercises or make them more challenging.  Otherwise, you will only see small short-term improvements in your posture and pain.

Contact our office to schedule an initial evaluation with your physical therapist.  The doctors of physical therapy at BSR have been helping people in Southern Ocean County move and feel better since 2007.