Running injuries

How to Improve Your Running Mechanics

March 25, 2015 Tags:

Overuse injuries are common in runners.  This is partly due to the repetitive nature of the activity.  However, poor running mechanics also lead to overuse injuries in runners.  But you can improve your mechanics, decrease your risk of injury, and improve your running times.  This article describes how.

Injury Rates in Runners

In a given 12-month period 50% to 75% of runners sustain an injury. Due to the repetitive loading involved with running, even mild abnormal movement patterns accumulate over time and result in overuse injuries.

Some of the more common overuse injuries that runners sustain include patellofemoral pain, IT band syndrome, stress fractures, plantar fasciitis, compartment syndrome, and medial tibial stress syndrome (commonly called “shin splints”).

Running mechanics play a significant role in running-related injuries. Physical therapists are experts in examining and correcting abnormal movement patterns and this includes how you run.

The Value of Improving Your Running Mechanics

Research shows that training by qualified experts improves running mechanics and potentially decreases your risk of injury. For example, runners undergoing cadence retraining showed improved running mechanics after only 6 weeks of training.

One case study showed that step rate retraining combined with hip strengthening exercise resulted in improved running mechanics and reduced pain for a runner with iliotibial band syndrome.  3 great hip strengthening exercises are the clam-shell, hip extension in a plank position, and skater squats.

Video Analysis 

Simple video analysis of your running form reveals correctable flaws. This could include excessive up and down movement, over-striding, excessive trunk lean, and excessive arm rotation.

In clinical settings, real-time feedback using a treadmill, mirror, and verbal cues by your physical therapist improves running form. One study showed that this type of running retraining also carried over to improved movement patterns with squatting and stair descent even though no additional movement-specific training was undertaken.

Have Your Physical Therapist Evaluate Your Running Mechanics

Running Injuries
Have Your Therapist Perform a Running Analysis

Runners with a history of overuse injuries and those currently experiencing pain may benefit from a running analysis by a physical therapist. Retraining running patterns does not require high-tech equipment or multiple sessions with a physical therapist. Research shows running form is improved with a treadmill, mirror, verbal cues from your physical therapist, and quite a bit of deliberate practice on the part of the runner.